Senin, 25 April 2011

10 Orang Paling Berkuasa di tahun 2010-2011

No.1 Hu Jintao

Age : 67
D.O.B : 21 December 1942
Title : President
Organization : People’s Republic of China
2. Barack Obama

Age : 49
D.O.B : August 4, 1961
Title : President
Organization : United States of America
The first A frican American. President Obama was last year’s most powerful man
3. King Abdullah Bin Abdul Aziz Al Saud

Age : 86
D.O.B : August 1, 1924
Title : King, Prime Minister of Saudi Arabia
Organization : Saudi Arabia.
4. Vladimir Putin

Age : 58
D.O.B : 7 October 1952
Title : Prime Minister
Organization : Russia
The Prime Minister over one-ninth of the world’s land.
5. Pope Benedict XVI

Age : 83
D.O.B : 16 April 1927
Title : Pope
Organization : Roman Catholic Church
The pope rules over more than 1.1 billion souls, or one-sixth of the population.

6. Angela Merkel

Age : 56
D.O.B : 17 July 1954
Title : Chancellor
Organization : Germany
Wanita paling berkuasa di bumi

7. David Cameron

Age : 44
D.O.B : 9 October 1966
Title : Prime Minister
Organization : United Kingdom

David Cameron Perdana Menteri Termuda.

8. Ben Bernake

Age : 56
D.O.B : December 13, 1953
Title : Chairman
Organization : Federal Reserve
The Fed’s influence is at an all-time high, and the man in charge is Ben Bernake.
9. Sonia Gandhi

Age : 63
D.O.B : 9 December 1946
Title : President
Organization : Indian National Congress
Ghandi telah berpengaruh pada over 1.2 milyar rakyat India,
10. Bill Gates

Age : 55
D.O.B : October 28, 1955
Title : Co-Chair
Organization : Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
Bill Gates earned his money with Microsoft, but he earned his power by giving it away. Gates encouraged 40 of the world’s richest people to sign his “giving pledge” this year


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