Senin, 19 Maret 2012

Sejarah Legendaris Kodak Yang Sekarang Bangkrut

Sejarah datang dan pergi, begitu juga perusahaan baru muncul dan berkembang sementara yang tua harus berjuang atau ditinggalkan konsumen, namun bagaimana bila perusahaan legendaris yang harus tutup toko tersebut adalah sang legenda Kodak? Dulu waktu kecil penulis ingat saat-saat memakai kamera manual dan saat mengganti film yang teringat adalah Kodak. Namun sekarang kita tidak akan menemui merek Kodak lagi karena sekarang Kodak telah dinyatakan bangkrut. Sebagai perpisahan kami mengetngahkan sejarah dari Kodak.
American inventor George Eastman patented photographic film stored in a roll in 1884. Four years later he had perfected the first camera to take advantage of his invention. He founded Kodak in 1892. The meaningless name was chosen because it was impossible to mispronounce and was disimilar to any existing words.

Semua berawal dari George Eastman yang mematenkan penyimpanan film fotografik
dalam sebuah roll atau gulungan. Empat tahun kemudian dia menyempurnakan kamera buatannya
dan mendirikan Kodak tahun 1892. Alasan dia menamakan Kodak karena nama ini tidak
mungkin salah diucapkan dan tidak bermakna apapun
hmmm mungkin anda musti jalan-jalan ke Indonesia Sir mencicipi Swike Kodak ups Swike Kodok kami.

The Kodak Brownie camera was introduced in 1900 and was initially priced at just one dollar in the US. The camera was simple to use and was advertised with the slogan: 'You push the button, we do the rest'.
Kodak Brownie kamera dijual dengan harga $1 pada tahun 1900. Diklaim mudah digunakan sesuai tagline-nya
"Anda tekan tombolnya, kami yang mengurus sisanya"

Circa 1901: An advertisement for the Kodak Box Brownie camera

Unknown Photographer, Kodak Head Office, Clerkenwell Road, London, c.1902
Markas Kodak yang berada di London, gambar diambil tahun 1902

Photographer Frances Benjamin Johnston stands with with group of children looking at her camera, in a picture titled: 'A Kodak creates a sensation', 1890-1910
Sebuah foto berjudul "A Kodak Create Sensation" diambil tahun 1890-1910

George Eastman (L), founder of the Eastman Kodak Company, is shown with fellow inventor Thomas Edison in this picture dating from the late 1920s
George Eastman pendiri Kodak bersama Thomas Edison, foto diambil tahun 1920-an.

The 8mm film format was introduced by Kodak in 1932. In 1965 they released the Super-8 format, which quickly became hugely popular with amateur film-makers.
Film format 8mm diperkenalkan Kodak tahun 1932. Tahun 1965 Kodak mengeluarkan Super-8 format.
Yang kemudian menjadi sangat populer diantara pembuat film amatir.

In 1935, Kodak introduced Kodachrome film. The film film was manufactured for 74 years, finally being discontinued in 2009. So ingrained in the popular culture was Kodachrome that Paul Simon named a song after it, and Kodachrome Basin State Park in Utah was named after it.
Tahun 1935 Kodak memperkenalkan Kodachrome film, dan terus diproduksi selama 74 tahun, terakhir diproduksi tahun 2009.
Kodachrome menjadi sangat populer bahkan dijadikan nama taman di Utah.

A Kodak advert circa 1958
Iklan Kodak tahun 1958

On February 20, 1962, John Glenn became the first American to orbit the Earth. He was photographed in his Friendship 7 Mercury capsule with a point-and-shoot camera loaded with Kodak 35mm film.
Tanggal 20 Februari 1962, manusia pertama yang mengorbit ke luar angkasa, John Glen memotret bumi
dengan kamera yang dipersenjatai film Kodak 35mm

The assassination of John F Kennedy was captured by Abraham Zapruder using a Bell & Howell camera loaded with 8mm Kodachrome II colour film.
Foto-foto tertembaknya presiden Amerika John F Kenedy diambil oleh fotografer Abraham Zapruder dengan kamera yang
berisi 8mm Kodachrome II film berwarna

Kodak brought out the inexpensive, easy-to-load Instamatic camera in 1963, which became massively popular.
Kamera saku Instamatic diperkenalkan tahun 1963.

The Earth rises on August 23, 1966, as seen from the moon by Lunar Orbiter 1 using a Kodak camera.
Gambar bumi diambil dari Lunar orbiter tanggal 23 Agustus 1966, lagi-lagi memakai kamera Kodak.

20 July 1969: Astronaut Buzz' Aldrin faces the camera as he walks on the Moon during Apollo 11 extra vehicular activity. The plexiglass of his helmet reflects back the scene in front of him, such as the Lunar Module and Astronaut Neil Armstrong, taking his picture. Armstrong, Apollo 11 commander, took this photograph with a 70mm lunar surface camera loaded with Kodak film.
Neil Amstrong mengambil gambar foto Aldrin memakai 70mm lunar surface camera yang berisi film Kodak

In 1975 Steven Sasson, a Kodak engineer, produced the first working prototype of a digital camera. It was the size of a toaster, weighed eight pounds, had a resolution of 0.01 megapixels, and took 23 seconds to save a black and white image onto a cassette tape...
Tahun 1975 insinyur Kodak bernama Steven Sasson prototipe pertama kamera digital. Seukuran pemanggang roti dengan berat 8 pound,
Kamera ini hanya memiliki resolusi 0,01 megapiksel dan butuh waktu 23 detik untuk mengambil gambar hitam putih yang
kemudian disimpan di dalam tape.

...The crude 100-line digital images could be displayed on a TV by transferring them from the tape using a VCR-sized microcomputer. A patent was issued for the technology, but Kodak didn't take the digital market seriously until 1991, when it introduced the Kodak DCS-100, which had a 1.3 megapixel sensor and was priced at $13,000.
Gambar yang diambil bisa ditampilkan di tv dengan bantuan perangkat VCR, namun Kodak tidak terlalu serius dengan
kamera digitalnya sampai tahun 1991 ketika Kodak mulai meluncurkan DCS 100 yang memiliki sensor 1.3 megapiksel
dan dihargai $13.000

In 1982, Kodak intoduced the Disc film format. It did not catch on and Kodak stopped manufacturing the film in 1999.
Kodak memperkenalkan Disk film format, namun disk ini tidak terlalu populer.

In 1996, Kodak introduced the DC20, a 0.2 megapixel point and shoot digital camera aimed at the rapidly growing market of home-computer users
Kodak DC 20 diperkenalkan tahun 1996 dengan resolusi 2 megapiksel.

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